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A secret operation to find the treasure chest


A clever trick to fool the guards at the museum


A shady choice to break the glass of obsidian


A hidden oasis to escape the heat and dust


A mythical story to inspire the poor and oppressed


A controversial claim to challenge the powerful and rich


A humble root to connect the past and present


A curious detective to solve the mystery and catch the thief


A sudden crisis to test the courage and skill


A stroke of luck to turn the tide and win the day


A daring experiment to create a new and better way


A twist of fate to change the course and reveal the will


A constant effort to live a meaningful and happy life


A cheerful support to encourage and motivate the friends


A miraculous event to surprise and amaze the world


A deep blue to reflect the beauty and wonder of the sky


A playful chipmunk to scamper and climb the trees


A steep cliff to overlook the valley and the sea


A wildflower to bloom and spread the fragrance and the color


A road to express the feelings and thoughts of the lyrics



'Poetry' 카테고리의 다른 글

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In this vast world  (0) 2023.11.01
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